How should a wedding banquet be?

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I have been to so many weddings these few years because my friends and I are of the 'suitable' age to get married and have kids before it's too late :P. I begin to wonder how should a wedding banquet be? Should it be grand, as much as one can afford and throw a party that will leave an impression for a lifetime (not to mention how long it would take to pay off your credit card haha!) Should it be mediocre, a Chinese 8-course banquet with powerpoint presentation? Should it be small and just the 'no fuss' way?

I attended a small scale wedding dinner of 4 tables this evening at a Chinese restaurant. No powerpoint presentation, no loud theme song for food presentation borrowed from Mission Impossible, Starwars or Kitaro or some box office hit, no 'bride changing dresses for at least 3 times throughout the dinner' thing. Very simple to the extent that I guess other guests of the restaurant wouldn't know that it was a wedding banquet. The bride looked as gorgeous with minimal make-up (and exhausted as most brides do; who would not as MARRIAGE was given a 50 points score in a stress test, when BEING FIRED FROM WORK scores only 47 points :P ). She wore a simple white blouse and trousers (no dress even!) but the couple looked as happy as any other bride and bridegroom I've met during countless dinners.

I've attended too many fancy weddings that I was surprise by how cosy I felt at a simple and 'down to earth' wedding tonight. I actually get to talk to the bride and groom the whole evening and had a few drinks and laughed with them, and even went mamak with them afterwards :D! Compared to those fancy weddings where you only get to see your 'friend' (bride/ groom) for a few seconds when you pass them the red envelope or at the end of the banquet when you shake his/her hand before you quickly rush to your car to avoid the jam out of the parking at the hotel, oh not forgetting how costly it is to park at a hotel :( !

And the whole cost of the banquet this evening? Let's just say I can afford this banquet if I don't go shopping for 2 months ;)

Well, there will be more weddings to attend this year... More theme songs and powerpoint presentations :P *yawn* I wonder (if I ever get married) how people would react if I played Powerpuff Girls theme song for my wedding dinner haha!

♪ Blossom, commander and the leader
Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter
Buttercup, she's the toughest fighter
Powerpuffs save the day...
Fighting crime, trying to save the world
Here they come just in time, the Powerpuff Girls ♪

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