You want to know the truth about RELIGION ?
Published Wednesday, April 05, 2006 by Yeshe D | E-mail this post
Haha, no one can do as 'syncretic' a job as
The Reluctant Messenger can in one of his article :D
The Master finished by saying, "After this war, the days of Judgement begin. All souls that have yet to achieve God Consciousness will be resurrected and will be judged. This time they will have complete knowledge of past lives. Every man and woman will know of the complete plan of God and their true potential to become One with God. Those that are judged unfit to continue will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. This is known as the Eternal Death. They will end up there because they refused to improve their karma despite all of the chances thay had during their reincarnated lives, including the one they had during the Utopian Reign of Christ, so they will forever be cut off from God. After the judgement God will create a New Heaven and New Earth will be the ideal environment for the remaining souls to continue their journey to become One with God."
Chester ended by saying, "That is one blended religion. Sounds like you got a little Hindu and Buddhism in with the Christianity and the Judaism, don't your think?"
The Master handed Chester a gold coin. Even in the dark of the porch Chester could tell it was gold and very valuable. The Master simply stated, "You are beginning to understand. In the Koran it says "Be they Muslim, Jews, Christians, or Sabians, those who believe in God and the Last Day and who do good have their reward with their Lord, They have nothing to fear, and they will not sorrow." Koran: The Cow verse 62
I think Satan has done a good job in 'redirecting' our focus... or probably it was us who confused ourselves. Instead of using the cup (religion) to quench our thirst for the 'truth' and become better and more holy people, we are debating which cup is better and is the ONLY cup one can and should drink water from. And there are people who don't even care about quenching their thirst for the 'truth' anymore. The easier way is to get another type of satisfaction from gaining more posessions (thanks to consumerism) and indulging in pleasure & comfort. That seems a "better" way than the 'hard way' doesn't it :p
After all, why wanna make yourself so frustrated trying to quench the thirst for 'truth' IF you can drive your super-nice car around town, have a few drinks with rich friends in a VVIP area/ club, check out some 'potential' mistress (nowadays rich women can afford to check out guys too ! YEAY! Feminism rules!) and later go home to your 'palace house' to watch a football match in your high tech audio-visual room stocked with plenty of PIRATED dvd (hehe, rich people also can be cheapskate one :P). When you get bored of this, just buy more 'toys' to amuse yourself and show them off to other 'poor' people who then aspire to be 'rich' like you la. Very good lifestyle wat :P Plenty of private jets, yacht, waiting to be bought :)
* Ok enough of rich men bashing :D Cannot talk bad about them, later I am reborn as one then how? I dunno whether I want to buy more yachts or jets you know! *
No wonder the world is in a mess, most of us can't even get our 'focus' right... :P !! When will the end of the world 'arrives' and cleans up this mess :D ? Adoi... there will be lots of 'clean-up' to do man!
P/s: I am not saying what he said was the 'truth' but merely amazed at what he described as the 'truth' that blends things in like a stew :D! What's for lunch tomorrow ? Hmm...
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